There is actually a lot to lose. Our children who are differently abled will not receive the funding levels needed to support their educations. Public education will be dismantled due to funding deficits. This will be the final nail in the coffin for public education. The privatization of K-12 education, using public money, will be the new norm. Only the haves will be educated and the have-not will become laborers.

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Exactly. This administration (and those pulling the strings) have made it very clear that they want to make education a luxury only the rich can afford. As we've clearly seen, anytime a public service/resource is privatized in this country, most of the people - especially the most vulnerable - suffer, while the wealthy and corporations benefit and profit. I was very surprised to see this post painting the EO as if it's a good thing.

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I am unsure how I ended up subscribed to a pro-fascist regime supporter. After 40 years in education (from birth to post doc), these actions are disgusting. Education and democracy are rapidly disintegrating. I'm obviously going to delete anything from you again but just to say be careful what you wish for.

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I didn't realize this publication was pro-Trump/fascist until just now! By dismantling the Dept. of Education, Trump will be taking away financial aid from all Black and Hispanic students (aka minorities) who depend on it in order to be able to (somewhat) afford college. No Dept. of Education equals no financial aid equals only the wealthy kids can afford college which equals INEQUALITY (aka white privilege). You should re-phrase your lead to "Executive Order Signing is Exceptional News for Wealthy White Students & Families" !

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The system is broken, status quo isn’t the answer. Local control of schools, with more local accountability isn’t going to make public school worse than they already are.

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This whole EO process seems mindless - not approved by congress and hurting so many at risk populations. For those supporting it - what will they say next year when they see the fallout?

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