Breaking: Historic Eve for Education in America
Executive Order Signing is Exceptional News for Students & Families
For Immediate Release
Friends: In a slightly different twist on Forza this week, I am sharing the statement issued this evening on my behalf by the Center for Education Reform and shared with reporters nationwide.
Tomorrow’s White House convening, as reported by USA Today, marks a historic moment for education in America. President Donald Trump will sign an Executive Order returning power over education to families and states, rather than federal bureaucracies. This long-overdue shift empowers parents, educators, and local communities - those who truly understand the needs of students - to lead the way in shaping the future of education.
Less than 60 days ago, President Trump took office and has already put excellence in education at the top of the national agenda. Thanks to years of persistent, state-driven reform efforts by bold leaders showing what is possible, this administration has moved swiftly to advance an agenda that is uniting state leaders and parents nationwide. The urgency of this moment has been amplified by the post-COVID education crisis, with historic learning losses and growing demands for meaningful alternatives to the status quo. Indeed the Nation’s Report Card’s continued bad marks have been an alarm bell for people everywhere.
At the Center for Education Reform (CER), we have spent more than three decades on the ground, listening to parents and educators, cutting through bureaucracy, and advancing policies that ensure more options and greater accountability in education. We have witnessed firsthand the power of innovation at the local level - from urban communities to suburban and rural districts. Through four years of administering the Yass Prize and meeting thousands of innovative educators, on top of 28 years of relentless advocacy, we have seen what happens when freedom, flexibility, and opportunity drive outcomes versus federal oversight driving compliance.
Now that opportunity is expanding. With the federal government stepping back, the potential for new, transformative education models has never been greater. As every great innovator knows - whether in education, business, or technology - government interference stifles progress and disruptive innovations accelerate it. Just as SpaceX transformed space travel when bureaucratic constraints were lifted, education can now be revolutionized by empowering those closest to students: parents and educators.
This Executive Order is not just a policy shift - it’s an opportunity to innovate and pursue policies that are both proven and as yet unknown, but hold the potential to reshape education for generations to come.
At CER, we are energized by this monumental moment. We will continue to champion anyone - regardless of party, status or prior affiliation who want to create a future for every child.
Tomorrow’s signing is not the finish line - it is the starting point of a new era in American education. And we’re ready to put our foot on the gas to ensure this transformation becomes a reality.
Our team will be on site tomorrow at the White House and was pleased to support the event. Stay tuned, and please, when you hear (or think) that moving to close a department will hurt students, remember there have and will be no cuts in funding for critical programs for students - including special needs - only cuts excessive staff and wasteful contracts that have been undermining education excellence for decades.
We have nothing to lose. All the best - Jeanne
There is actually a lot to lose. Our children who are differently abled will not receive the funding levels needed to support their educations. Public education will be dismantled due to funding deficits. This will be the final nail in the coffin for public education. The privatization of K-12 education, using public money, will be the new norm. Only the haves will be educated and the have-not will become laborers.
I am unsure how I ended up subscribed to a pro-fascist regime supporter. After 40 years in education (from birth to post doc), these actions are disgusting. Education and democracy are rapidly disintegrating. I'm obviously going to delete anything from you again but just to say be careful what you wish for.