If you want to know about school it is best to ask those who are the subjects of it. From the ones whom I have spoken with they cannot understand parents repeatedly lecturing our School Board about library books, changing rooms, pronouns and unisex bathrooms when the nations assessment of our schools called out in the national news (which they do know what is in it as relevant to them) is and has been for 20++ years failing to prepare them for the world they hope to prosper in. As a generation of students is lost what idiot self-justifying parent is going to console their adult child over them not being prepared for success because of what books were in the library? We need to get a grip on reality.
Students are completely disengaged because no one cares what they think. Today there is legislation being proposed to ban the most technologically advanced educational resource tool known to humankind, the cell phone. This is because teachers have no idea how to implement that technology into their Lesson Plan (and it overloads the school's bandwidth capacity as students seek better instructional content via WIFI on a YouTube presentation). Of course it is a distraction, but that is only because our methods of education are no where close to being intrinsically engaging for students. They are designed not to take the best advantage of the power of one's innate desire to learn found in every student but to make the teacher's job the easiest and provide after the fact grading metrics to quantify that data which only serves the bean counters, not the student. Our educational methods have shown no outcome based improvement since 1969 when assessing such metrics began.
In closing I have to ask, what job requires one to be in a cubicle for 45 minutes when a bell rings and they are forced to stop what they are doing no matter what the stage of completion and move to the next cubicle over and over throughout their work day with some of those periods requiring the use of a computer and as they move down the line others ban that use and require only using a #2 pencil and their memory. Besides education being mandatory, students show up for school for only two reasons: 1) To hang out with their friends and 2) To feel successful. As far as cell phones, that is just note passing in the 21st century. Feeling successful? Well just ask that question of any student who trusts you with a question they feel you are actually concerned and care about.
Are they Learning?
If you want to know about school it is best to ask those who are the subjects of it. From the ones whom I have spoken with they cannot understand parents repeatedly lecturing our School Board about library books, changing rooms, pronouns and unisex bathrooms when the nations assessment of our schools called out in the national news (which they do know what is in it as relevant to them) is and has been for 20++ years failing to prepare them for the world they hope to prosper in. As a generation of students is lost what idiot self-justifying parent is going to console their adult child over them not being prepared for success because of what books were in the library? We need to get a grip on reality.
Students are completely disengaged because no one cares what they think. Today there is legislation being proposed to ban the most technologically advanced educational resource tool known to humankind, the cell phone. This is because teachers have no idea how to implement that technology into their Lesson Plan (and it overloads the school's bandwidth capacity as students seek better instructional content via WIFI on a YouTube presentation). Of course it is a distraction, but that is only because our methods of education are no where close to being intrinsically engaging for students. They are designed not to take the best advantage of the power of one's innate desire to learn found in every student but to make the teacher's job the easiest and provide after the fact grading metrics to quantify that data which only serves the bean counters, not the student. Our educational methods have shown no outcome based improvement since 1969 when assessing such metrics began.
In closing I have to ask, what job requires one to be in a cubicle for 45 minutes when a bell rings and they are forced to stop what they are doing no matter what the stage of completion and move to the next cubicle over and over throughout their work day with some of those periods requiring the use of a computer and as they move down the line others ban that use and require only using a #2 pencil and their memory. Besides education being mandatory, students show up for school for only two reasons: 1) To hang out with their friends and 2) To feel successful. As far as cell phones, that is just note passing in the 21st century. Feeling successful? Well just ask that question of any student who trusts you with a question they feel you are actually concerned and care about.